Yorkshire praised for mortgage best buys

Yorkshire Building Society achieved more best buy mortgages than any other lender in 2011, according to the year round-up from Kantar Media’s PressWatch Financial.
The findings showed the organisation offered 1,594 home loans of this type during the 12-month period – which amounted to 16 per cent more than the nearest competitor.
Chris Smith, direct mortgage manager at the Yorkshire Group, stated: “This ranking was achieved through our wide choice of excellent value products for all consumers, meeting as many different needs as possible.”
The industry figure claimed the company, which has around 3.5 million members and assets in the region of £33 billion, provides options for all types of customer, including -first time buyers and those with large and small deposits.
Yorkshire said it intends to continue its hard work through 2012 and is looking to offer its members the best possible deals and competitive products.
In addition, Chelsea Building Society – which is part of the Yorkshire Building Society – ranked fourth in the best buy table after racking up 858 of the products.

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